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About us

The upcoming summer course will be organized for you by the Local BEST-Group of Uppsala. We are an organization for students who love the combination of science, technology and traveling. Once a year, we invite awesome people such as you to attend a summer course at our university. We do this with one main goal: to give you an unforgettable experience in Uppsala!


BEST is an international student organization that unites engineering and natural science students from all over Europe. Our group combines BEST-spirit with strong Swedish student traditions such as gasques, crayfish parties, Lucia and much more.


The course of this year will be absolutely fantastic and we are looking so much forward to it. We promise you that if you apply (once the course is open for applications), you are not going to regret it. If you want to know more about BEST Uppsala, why not check out our facebook page?



See you in summer & see you around Europe!





Contact information:

Address: BEST Uppsala, Uppsala Teknolog- och Naturvetarkår Uthgård, 752 37 Uppsala Sweden



Main Organiser: Dianna Zeleskov



BEST Uppsala President: Fergus Incoronato

Synthesize your planet now - come on!

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